To be eligible for an application at our Aged Care premises, you must go through the following steps. If you have any issues or questions, please get in contact with us.
You will need a current ACAT/NSAF Comprehensive Assessment, which will determine your eligibility and approval for permanent residential care or respite care.
For further information, contact My Aged Care on 1800 200 422.
After completing the ACAT assessment, you can begin looking for a suitable aged care home.
To enquire about admission to Mayfield Aged Care, contact our Admissions Coordinator:
Phone: 02 4967 1060
For an inspection appointment, we will require either a copy of your ACAT/NSAF assessment or a Permanent Residential Referral Code to check suitability through our My Aged Care portal. If approved, you will be placed on our waiting list and contacted when a bed becomes available.
To apply, you will need to complete the Application for Permanent Entry into Aged Care, and submit it along with the following documents:
- Completing the admission pack forms.
- A copy of the ACAT/NSAF assessment or Permanent Placement Referral Code.
- Copy of Power of Attorney, Enduring Power of Attorney, or Appointed Guardian (if applicable).
- Financial details, including Centrelink and Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) cards, as well as your Medicare card.
- Date of your last Pneumovax and Flu Vax, any known allergies, and details of your referring GP.
Please note that admission is subject to bed availability, a current ACAT assessment, and the ability to meet daily fees and charges.
Settling Into Aged Care
Upon moving into Mayfield Aged Care, you’ll meet with the manager, who will assist with your transition. The more information you provide about your lifestyle preferences, the better our staff can assist you in settling in. Admissions occur on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
Resident Agreement
A Resident Agreement is a formal contract between you and the aged care home. You do not have to sign immediately, but if the agreement includes accommodation payments, it must be signed within 28 days.
If you are unable to sign, someone with legal authority, such as a Power of Attorney, may sign on your behalf.
What Could I Be Charged?
Residents in aged care may be required to make the following payments:
Rights and Responsibilities
Your rights and responsibilities are protected by legislation, as outlined in the Charter of Resident’s Rights and Responsibilities. This applies to all Australian Government-funded residential aged care homes.
Appointing a Nominee
You may appoint someone to act on your behalf in dealings with the Department of Health and Aging regarding your care needs. Contact the Aged Care Information Line on 1800 500 853 for an Appointment of Nominee form.
Personal Preferences in Serious Illness
It’s important to communicate your preferences regarding medical treatment, particularly in the event of a serious illness. This can be done through a Living Will or Advance Health Directive, ensuring your wishes are clear to those responsible for your care.
From the moment you step into our vibrant reception foyer, you’ll feel the warmth and comfort that defines Mayfield Aged Care.
Contact us today to learn more about our residential or palative care packages, or to book a tour.